Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Be Prepared in 2012! So WHERE do you start?

That's where I come in!

Believe it or not, by reading blogs like this and just merely acknowledging the fact that you and your family need to be prepared, you’re already doing more than the vast majority of people out there. Most people believe everyday will be just like the last and nothing bad could ever happen to them. Once you realize the need for you and your family to be prepared, you have to take action. Whether you start out small or jump all in, you need to do something and right now too. Unlike missing a good deal on something and kicking yourself later for not getting it, if you’re not prepared when an emergency happens, the repercussions could be deadly for you or a loved one. After an emergency happens is not the time to start thinking about getting ready! Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah started building the ark.

Being personally prepared is no longer a taboo topic only associated with “crazy people” or certain religious beliefs. It seems like everywhere you look, someone is talking about it and with good reason too. The world we live in is becoming more and more uncertain. Food and gas prices continue to rise along with just about everything else out there. Unfortunately you can’t turn on the news without hearing about another home invasion, natural disaster, or national security scare. Our countries economic concerns only seem to get worse and worse.  People are becoming more aware of these issues and worried.  Everyone wants to know that their family is safe.

There is so much information out there these days about emergency preparedness; you could spend years trying to learn everything. Living off the grid, having a years worth of food, planting a garden, buying gold, learning survival skills, perfecting water filtering techniques, having emergency backup power, stockpiling guns and ammunition, the list goes on and on. Unfortunately to the beginner this can extremely overwhelming. They acknowledge they have to do something but become so overwhelmed they don’t know where to start and end up doing nothing.

First Step- SET A GOAL. 
One of the most basic ways to start realizing where you and your family stand is to assess your current living situation and what your daily needs are. How long could your family survive at this very minute if you were stuck in your home with no access to food, water or medical supplies? Most people's answer to this question is a pretty scary.
Set a family goal! Whether you start with a gola of 2 weeks, 4 months or even a Year (be sure to set a realistic goal to start)  This goal has to become a priority for you and your family.  Start looking into food that will store and is on sale. You can slowly build your food storage stock with canned items or foods that will store by keeping an eye out for sales and coupons and picking up additional items when you do your regular grocery shopping. One of our most demanded services this past 6 months has been personalized emergency family planning consultations. We create a completely customized, simple to follow plan essentially a road map, for you and your family to reach your personal preparedness goals. The plans are not only customized for your personal needs but also your budget. With our experience and everyday practice, we have tons of money saving tips for any family to follow through with their plan.

We are looking forward to sharing tips to help you start or improve your families emergency plan.  Being able to help people have the confidence and piece of mind of personal prepardenss in 2012 is our Goal!